
ASU rally against Council budget

June 23, 2023 7:46 am in by
gw town hallThe Australian Services Union and the Geelong community will march in Geelong West this weekend in protest at the cuts to workers and slashing of services proposed by Geelong Council.

The Council budget has been a hot topic throughout the community, with hundreds of ratepayers providing submissions to Council, which is due to sign off on the budget during a meeting next week.

Along with cuts to services and facilities such as the Kardinia Park Pool, Council also announced the termination of 19 council employees’ positions.

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The ASU has described the Council’s handling of the budget as a kind of management desperation not seen since the days of debonair Darren Lyons as mayor.’

“From Life Saving Clubs through to people who like to swim in the mornings, to people who support libraries, to working people of Geelong who want to make sure they get the services that they deserve and that they pay for,” Deputy Branch Secretary Tash Wark said.

The ASU is asking the public to join them in support for threatened workers and the community and send the Council a clear message to stop the cuts.

“We’re asking for better outcomes which don’t involve losing services or jobs as part of the process of Geelong Council going through their budget approval,” Ms. Wark said.

The ASU ‘Community Stop the Council Cuts Protest’ will be happening at Geelong West Town Hall on Saturday from 10 am.

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