Locals are able to get ten cents back from each approved can and bottle they put into a special reverse vending machine from today.
Reverse Vending Machines (RVM) have been installed at locations Bellarine, greater Geelong and Surf Coast locations for people to take their containers to for cash refunds.
Tomra Cleanaway is the Network Operator for the Geelong region for the Container Deposit Scheme and the company says more sites are due to come online than the more than dozen that have opened today.
“Millions of containers a year that currently are sadly disposed of in landfill or water ways or on the streets will actually find a home to be recycled,” he said.
By August next year the network of refund points is expected to reach 600 sites that will accept uncrushed cans and unbroken bottles and cartons.
“Every eligible container that residents bring back and recycle it’s ten cents back into their back pockets,” he said.
For a list of RVM deposit sites and approved containers click here.