
Glasses for local students

February 1, 2025 9:13 am in by
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Local students are set to benefit from free on-site eye tests as part of the state government’s Glasses for Kids program.

Prep to Year 3 students will have access to eye tests and, if needed, free custom-made glasses.

The initiative is delivered by State Schools’ Relief, and works to ensure vision struggles don’t stop kids from succeeding in class.

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The program will visit Wangala Primary School in Belmont on March, returning to the region a couple of months later to see Tate Street Primary School in East Geelong on May 1 and Moolap Primary School May 15.

The program has expanded to include 473 elligible schools, tripling the capacity of the program.

Geelong MP Christine Couzens said the program will save local families time and money.

“It’s great that students in Geelong will have the ability take part in this program, helping them to thrive in their learning and in life,” she said.

The program is offered to schools identified with high and medium levels of disadvantage.

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