
Surf Coast businesses under fire on child labour

June 28, 2024 8:07 am in by
Image: Pexels

A blitz on Surf Coast businesses has uncovered hundreds of child employment breaches.

The state’s regulator has found 89 per cent of businesses between Lorne and Torquay employing kids under fifteen have breached at least one aspect of child employment law.

All businesses were issued formal warnings.

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Commissioner of Wage Inspectorate Victoria Robert Hortle says more needs to be done on the education front.

“We saw a sharp increase in Surf Coast businesses applying for child employment licences, so the campaign clearly raised awareness of these important laws and businesses are keen to comply,” he said.

“Some businesses were unaware they needed a child employment licence, some had overlooked licence conditions, while others were unaware they could employ kids under 15 and were pleased to learn more about how they could do so safely and legally.”
