Victoria’s gambling regulator says it’ll take three weeks to decide whether to grant a Tarneit venue a licence for an additional 12 pokies.
After Wyndham council opposed the application from Hotel 520 on Sayers, the matter went before the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC) for a hearing last week.
Council declined to comment on the issue while its before the VGCC, which says it will make public its decision on whether to approve the application on December 4.
In its submission to the VGCCC, Wyndham CEO Stephen Wall said the extra pokies would be damaging for the community.
“The proposal would have a negative impact on the surrounding residential uses by increasing access to EGMs [electronic gaming machines] for those directly and indirectly affected by gambling-related harm,” he said.
Hotel 520 already has over 60 machines that over the last financial year soaked up over $13m in expenditure from users, making it the third largest source of pokies take in Wyndham.
An employees witness statement provided in support of Hotel 520’s application said the venue was proud of being “very safe.”
“We have no trouble at the venue whatsover as we don’t attract a lot of young people or tradies,” the statement from venues General Manager stated.
“It is a much classier venue than the other venues in the area.
“I see an increase in 12 machines as reasonably modest in the context of what is already provided in the venue.”