Tom, Lingy & Loggy
Tom, Lingy & Loggy chat with the biggest names in entertainment and make it rain the biggest prizes across Geelong and the Surf Coast
Every day on the show Tom, Lingy & Loggy chat with the biggest names in entertainment and make it rain the biggest prizes across Geelong and the Surf Coast…
Tom has three major loves in his life. His beautiful family, beer and basketball. Those are always the three, it’s just the order that changes.
He’s a girl Dad who’s just as comfortable on stage in a tutu as he is on the street in his trademark NBA jerseys and tight jeans (the tutu thing has nothing to do with his daughters either, he’s quite the dancer in his own right).
When he’s not on the radio, you’ll likely find him at a playground with the girls or at the gym getting his sweat on. That’s a journey he’s just re-started, so by the time you read this he’ll likely have given up again and be back on the beers.
Find him on Insta @tom_on_krock
Nude beach activist and former Women’s Weekly model Cameron ‘Lingy’ Ling has spent most of his life living and raising a family in Geelong and on the Surf Coast. There really is no one more suited to the title of ‘unofficial mayor’ of our town and the voice of our region.
Whether it’s tips on how to get to Melbourne on the VLine without making eye contact with a single person, or how to get home from Lamby’s with an intact kebab using only laneways and overpasses, if there’s something happening in town, chances are Lingy’s involved.
The man literally has his fingers in so many pies, he had to buy a pastry factory. He then had it rezoned and converted into studio apartments full of exposed brick and timber with that flaky paint, paying homage to the flaky pastry that was made there for so many years.
Yes, Lingy has seen this town evolve from a blue collar port town to a foodie paradise and creative hub. A gritty city to a pretty city. Where many have gone on to explore broader horizons, Lingy has opted to bring the best of Geelong to the people of Australia through his various roles in the media, hospitality industry and with local institution Cash Converters.
Oh, and he also played a bit of footy in his day.
Lauren ‘Loggy’ Temuskos has a funny name and a funny story behind it. Her Dad found her with her head stuck in a log on the family farm back when she was a kid. Not funny at the time considering she was near rising water – but they can laugh about it now.
She’s got a few quirky hobbies which have given her some medals and taken her around the world – including visiting Belgium for the National Fencing Championships where she represented Australia.
This is also where her love for the ‘Flemish Marzurka’ started – a traditional style of dance.
As she hails from Werribee, Loggy feels like she’s right at home here in Geelong.